
Responsible for this website:

Ace up your sleeve
Management Consulting
Eric Lorenz

Josephsplatz 8
90403 Nuernberg

mobile: +49 173 568 1860

Tax ID: DE362999534

Data protection

We do not collect, store or process personal data when you visit this website. We do not record or track your browsing behavior at any time.

The hosting service provider automatically collects technically necessary information (e.g. the browser and screen resolution you use) when you access the website. This is necessary for the correct display of a website. This information does not allow any conclusions about your person.


All information provided is accurate to the best of our knowledge. Licenses have been obtained for all images shown. Should you encounter a problem, please contact us at the address on the left.

Gender-specific notation has generally been omitted for the sake of readability. We want to emphasize that we respect all people – regardless of gender and sexual identity, as well as background, age, appearance, and worldview.